Martin's corner on the web

DHT22 accuracy test part 2/2

I have measured the relative humidity as per my set up, and got steady readouts exactly in the 75% area as expected: DHT22 Library Demo Requesting data…Got Data 25.50C 75.20% Integer-only reading: Temperature 25.5 C, Humidity 75.2 % RH Requesting…

I already mentioned, that I have a small RFM12B ‘shield’ that can be used instead of the nRF24L01+ on a WorkerB!. I put one to a test today, all working as expected:       This makes it easy to…

DHT22 accuracy test part 1

I have been boggled for a while about the Relative Humidity data that I gather, I get some higher than expected reading. I blogged about this in this post and @Dimitrios suggested in the comments that my box my be…

The WorkerB!

I have received 5 test PCBs today of the unnamed ‘ATMega32u4+nRF24L01’ board project that I described earlier, I decided to call it a ‘Worker Bee’ or WorkerB! as its task will be to collect and transmit data. The final PCB layout…