Martin's corner on the web


64 800 transmissions

The CR2032 battery powered TinySensor that I had set up to monitor my house’s power consumption has stopped sending packets yesterday afternoon, totaling 7.5 days of transmissions every 10 seconds. That would mean 6 * 60 * 24 * 7.5 =…

Getting Funky

Catchy title, right? I ordered some Funky Sensor PCBs after few days ago and got them today. Just to recap – this is an extremely small Attiny84 based sensor with RFM12B module on top. I can’t stress how small it…

TinySensor v1.4 plans

I have been working to upgrade the TinySensor v1.3 to a new version these days, that addresses the issues I had identified so far. I am keeping it in through-hole components for easy soldering and also so that one can easily…