EDIT March 2015: [It has been two years since this post, and the RFM12B is still widely available. I guess the rumors at that time were exaggerated widely.] There has been bad news for the RFM12B ecosystem last week, namely the…
73062 transmissions with the Funky v2 low-power code and CR2032 battery
The Funky v2 loaded with my low power test code that I described here has stopped sending transmissions yesterday. The Funky v2 was powered by a fresh CR2032 battery with 220mAh capacity. I use an integer counter that overflowed few…
Wallpaper prank
I wish I did this for April 1st, but here is it anyway 🙂 I wanted to test out the HID keyboard features of the Arduino Leonardo compatible Funky v2, so during my research on the subject I accidentally stumbled…
Auto reconnect WiFi on Raspberry Pi

For a number of reasons I have my DD-WRT-based router shut down WiFi at nights, that though causes some inconvenience to my Raspberry Pi. I have it connected with a RTL8188CUS based WiFi dongle, the cheapest found on eBay. The problem is that…
Software I2C test
The Funky v2 is so small in size, that only few pins are available on the side header. This is because its main purpose is to interface with one, at most couple sensors while running on battery. The hardware TWI/I2C…
TCP/IP over RFM12B and Raspberry Pi as gateway
I have always wanted to connect my remote RFM12B -based nodes to the Internet, I have finally managed to do so. It was relatively easy, based on the excellent work of Adam Neilsen with his SerialIP library SerialIP is a port…
Funky v2 low power example
I have consolidated my accumulated so far experience on running the ATmega32U4+RFM12B based Funky v2 in low power mode in this example sketch. I managed to bring the power consumption down to 0.04mA, which makes it possible for the Funky v2 to run on…
Detecting USB connection on the Funky v2
When designing low-power code for the ATmega32U4-based Funky v2 (code, optimized for running on battery power), it is important to power down all unused peripherals as soon as possible in the code. The USB circuitry draws significant amount of power, so naturally…
Frequency counting test
This is something I long wanted to try out – frequency counting with my Funky v2. I used Albert’s Arduino frequency counter library for the purpose. I’d test it by doing 6 kHz PWM and try to count that. The interrupt…
Siri-like voice chat with Raspberry Pi : keep kids busy for a while :)
Here is a fun project to try out: a Siri-like voice talk with your Raspberry Pi, its a lovely way to attract youngsters and keep them entertained for a while. I use three components for the project, code is mainly…
The Raspberry Pi TFT PCB arrived
The Raspberry Pi TFT PCB that I described here has arrived yesterday; I quickly soldered my TFT on it and gave it a test. ll works great, here is a small demo:
Funky v2 as RFM12B to Raspberry Pi gateway
Funky v2 enumerates as a CDC device when plugged in to your Raspberry Pi without the need of any driver, so it is pretty easy to get it working as a RFM2Pi board. Useful If you decide that for some reason…
Video of the LTC3108 energy harvesting board with solar cell
I made a short video of the LTC3108 energy harvesting board with a solar cell. The test is done indoors, it was completely dark outside. Light source is a single 23W CFL bulb, around meter away. The breakout board has…
More “Gotchas” on the LDO regulator issue in Funky v2
Apparently, as I have found out, the MCP1703 will leak current if voltage applied to the output gate and nothing on the input, while the MCP1700 does not. This is the case, when you power the Funky v2 from a CR2032…
Funky v2’s LDO to blame for high sleep current. Now fixed
I have confirmed by suspicion that the on-board LDO voltage regulator is to blame for my troubles as described yesterday. I experienced the exact same situation with battery powered Funky v2 high sleep current as @Capnbry describes here, so I…