It often happens that I need to know the the min/max/average values of an emonCMS feed or do basic data analysis/querying, I was running a SQL query on the database end to get my answers. In some cases, however, one…
Control LG smart TV over the Internet using a Raspberry Pi
Here is a quick home automation project: controlling a LG smart TV over the Internet using a Raspberry Pi computer. There is a Python script already developed for that, so getting all this working was a 5 minute effort. The…
Tweeting my house’s power usage as sparkblocks
Sparkblocks are a text-only version of the sparkline charts, using just unicode symbols. These are a convenient way to represent trends in pure text, quite useful when you want to use SMS, tweets or even the subject line of an…
Home voltage analysis
I log the AC mains voltage at my house starting July 2013, you may recall my post where I was concerned about the unusually high voltage readings at home. Now that I have few months of data collected, it is…
Hot water tank controller project – part 2
I have finally found some time last weekend to finalize my smart hot water tank controller project, finalized the code and have it now running for a week. I also put up a small and simple html page to control…
Smart IoT solar hot water tank controller
I am working on a smart IoT controller for my solar hot water tank and I need to be able to control its mode of operation over the Internet. My plan is to have the controller subscribe to an emonCMS…
Clapping to control RF power sockets
I did a fun experiment this evening, clap controlling RF power sockets using Funky v2‘s radio module and a sound sensor breakout module. The latter is pretty cheap one, respectively low quality and performance: It has couple outputs: analog…
Raw infrared <> serial
When interfacing my gadgets to the physical world, I often need to deal with IR of all sorts: air conditioners, TV, audio equipment, media center and so forth. These are all of different brand, so naturally the IR protocol that…
Installing emoncms’s “events” module
I use emoncms to log telemetry readings from various sources (wireless sensor nodes, software bots etc), the so logged data helps my IoT connected gadgets make decisions, based on pre-defined rules. For example, my heat pump monitors outside weather conditions (temperature,…
Flood alarm
My father had a leaking pipe accident last year, and it happened while he was away from his place for a week. The water was flowing for few days before he returned and that caused damage for thousands of Euro,…
Tweeting coffee machine using Raspbery Pi
Here is a small project for social network connected home appliance, done for the sake of fun, but provides a good learning experience. I will be connecting my coffee machine to Twitter since I am one of the 6 people…
Raspberry Pi email/SMS doorbell notifier + picture of the person ringing it
I have been receiving requests to build a SMS doorbell from all around the world ever since my SMS doorbel project got featured on hackaday, damnGeeky, hackedgadgets and few other places . My approach is relatively difficult to follow, so I decided to…
3D printed Stevenson screen
@Dimitrios commented the other day on my Funky+DHT22 post that my readings seem to have a lot of 99.9% relative humidity readouts and suggested that it may be due to the black box that I enclosed the project. I do…
Logging manualy entered values to emonCMS using keypad
I have finally found some time today to put my keypad project into work, namely I decided to use it for weight logging project here a home. The idea is simple: take measurement using the bathroom scale, then punch in…
Re-vamping my Daikin Internet Air-conditioner controller
I’ve created a new shield for my micro Internet of Things gateway to allow driving an IR LED, added a micro SD card slot, FTDI pinout for easy programming and a visible status LED. I also added a TMP36 temperature…