One of the things that has been bugging me recently is the power consumption of the SD card that I now have in the Tiny Sensor v1.2 design. I intend to power the sensor either via an external source (2xAA…
Toying with ATTiny84 and SD card in Arduino IDE
As I mentioned in my previous post, I tossed in a SD card port for the TinySensor v1.1. I wanted to give it a live test and see if/how it works prior to submitting the PCB to the fab house. So I…
The Tiny Sensor gets a SD card port
I had some space left on the TinySensor v1.0 PCB, plus I left myself few days to think before ordering the first batch, so I decided to throw in a SD card port. I didn’t want it to be anything…
Tiny Sensor plans
I have been working this weekend on improved version of the ATTiny84 remote sensor, this time I will use a PCB fab house to make at least 15 pcs of the PCB. The improvements over the old hand-made PCB are:…
Single sided ATtiny84 temperature sensor PCB
Following the fiasco with the first version of the PCB, I have decided to create a single sided PCB so that the DIP socket that was causing me trouble is on the top. Here are the results, the PCB works…
Home made PCB for the remote temperature sensor
As I mentioned in my other post, I wanted to re-do the temperature sensor, this time on my own PCB. Driven by the hunger for instant gratification, I have overcome my fear of home-made PCBs using toner transfer and ferric…