I have made some updates to my SMS doorbell project. Previously, I had troubles setting up the email notifications in emoncms, the problem is that I don’t have shell access to the server where I host it so I could not…
‘Funky’ sensor in store
I have received permission from Tobias Floery to offer my version of the Funky Sensor in the store. I will be offering three options PCB only – for those that can do the soldering and only need the PCB “Regular” Funky…
Hooking my wireless doorbell to the Internet
Here is a fun project: hook my wireless doorbell to the Internet and get SMS when someone rings it. Useful when I am not at home or am in the backyard and can’t hear it, but I carry my mobile…
Solar Funky
I thought it would be a nice experiment to put the Funky in a solar-powered garden lamp. I got one recently with the intention to use it for that particular experiment, it is quite cheap, costs a little over one…
Getting Funky
Catchy title, right? I ordered some Funky Sensor PCBs after few days ago and got them today. Just to recap – this is an extremely small Attiny84 based sensor with RFM12B module on top. I can’t stress how small it…
Stamp sized ATtiny84 remote sensor
I have been amazed by the work done by @Tobias with his “Funky” sensor, so I asked him for a permission to make my own version. The Funky is a JeeNode micro clone, less the two Jeeports and probably in…