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[OBSOLETE] LTC3108 Energy harvesting breakout board

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13 thoughts on “[OBSOLETE] LTC3108 Energy harvesting breakout board

  1. rusydi

    hello sir,
    I just want to ask, if I buy your circuit does it comes with all the components on it?
    or just the plain circuit

      1. rusydi

        I want to ask about the cost of it a flat rate for all country
        and how long it takes for the duration of delivery

        1. Martin Post author

          Yes, flat fee of 3 EUR for shipping worldwide. It may be slow, if you live outside Europe, up to 30 days to reach you. I can use EMS, but that is much more expensive.

  2. Yaakov

    I wanted to ask you a question.
    I am interested in the TEG connected circuit (trans 1:100)

    What is the efficiency of this device ?
    How do you measure it?

  3. kasbah

    Hey, would you share the board files or gerbers with me? I just want to make a one-off, nothing commercial.